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A crucial drive that moves me forward step by step. Thank you very much for your trust and for accompanying me on my journey to success as a professional tennis player.


Giuseppe & Claudia Bortune

My parents, who have always supported me from day one. They are my favorite people. With them, I have experienced so many wonderful moments, and in difficult times, they have always had my back.


Christian Schindler

Christian Schindler is a person with a big heart and always ready with good advice. I am very grateful to him for that. I am also a big fan of his and consider myself lucky to have him as a sponsor.

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Martin & Julien Puntigam

Martin Puntigam helped me with a big heart right after I started my "Roberto for ATP" plan, that is, when the implementation took place. I met his son Julien during a tennis lesson, unlike any other. You can be proud of yourself and your progress.


Many thanks to SchlafTEQ for your help with my recovery. I am overjoyed to have found such a dedicated and supportive team and look forward to our future collaboration.

​Meinrad Gyr

​Amir & Parvin Golshani

​Marc Locher

​Thomas Schwegler

​Patrik & Milota Goricanec

Berni Matti


Tibor Pamer

Tibor Pamer is one of my clients and later became one of my sponsors. Our great relationship began on the tennis court while practicing groundstrokes.


Enrico Gennarini

 I met Enrico Gennarini by chance in the Kappel tennis hall on the court next to mine while I was training. As an Italian-speaking person, we also get along great off the tennis court.


​Vielen Dank an Fivetea für die frisch schmeckenden Vitamin Tea`s. Ich bin überglücklich, solch einen engagierten und unterstützenden Förderer gefunden zu haben und freue mich auf die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit.

​Wili Jorge Würms

​Pascal Sprenger

​Claudio Bottaro

​Fam. Hristov

​Daniele Bortune

​Slavisa Tomici

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